Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baking Mix (Bisquick® Copycat)

This is an easy, cheap alternative to buying pre-made baking mix

The real reason why I ended up with this recipe is a sudden and pervasive desire for pancakes; however, when I went to retrieve my Bisquick® to whip up a batch it was evident I hadn't made pancakes in...well let's just say it had been a while. *Gag*

Realizing my store of pancake mix was bad, which I am sad to say is all I ever used my Bisquick® for (I've pledged to change that now that I can make my own mix, however), I was presented with a difficult quandary: I'm mega-jonesing for pancakes, but I am also way too lazy to go buy any. I did a little internet research and found a copycat recipe that looked very promising.

The recipe I'm posting here is not exactly like the one I found on the interwebs, but it is close enough that I can't take the credit for the bones of the recipe. That honor goes to the folks at (The link to the original is here.).

This recipe makes just over 6 cups of baking mix which can be used as a direct substitute for Bisquick® baking mix (which I'm hoping becomes more than just pancakes).
**Update** Oops, completely forgot to post the link to the bad.
Here it is!

Baking Mix (Bisquick® Copycat)


  • 6 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 T baking powder
  • ¾ tsp. baking soda
  • 2 T powdered sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp. fine salt
  • 9 T canola oil


Step 2: Oil added, lots o' lumps
  1. Combine all dry ingredients in bowl of stand mixer; whisk until combined
  2. With mixer on low, drizzle in oil slowly
  3. Mix until lumps are gone (should resemble the texture of wet sand)
  4. Substitute for Bisquick® at a ratio of 1:1; store in airtight container

Step 4: Ready to use!

And that, my friends, is my second recipe post completed!! Albeit, a very simple and short one, but wth it's done nonetheless. Now I have to get ready for class (we're testing the water activity of different types of meat in my Value Added Products lab, wahoo!![I'll totally have to make a post about our project in this class, it's gunna be wicked awesome!])!


-The Fumbling Gourmet

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