Tuesday, January 22, 2013


And it FINALLY begins...

Well, this blog is a long time coming! I love food. Tasty, delicious food. There are few things more thrilling yet, at the same time calming as cooking. See I used to be an engineering student. I love puzzles; I've been breaking things down and figuring out how they work since I was a kid, much to the annoyance of my parents. Don't get me wrong, they never discouraged me from learning and exploring, I just tended to break things without asking -and chew on things, I did that a lot -still do if truth be told (I think I was a canine in a past life.) I digress, so uh...where was I? Oh, right; I've enjoyed taking things apart and building new things as long as I can remember: K'nex, Legos, you name I probably disassembled it and tried to rebuild it in to something else (usually something far more dangerous...I mean interesting.) So when the time came for me to pick a major for college having a father and brother-in-law as engineers and factoring in my proclivity towards destruction and creation I decided on Mechanical Engineering. I picked this major over culinary school, not because I liked it more but, because I thought it a better option practically and financially. However, after three years of struggling through school I realized: "I really freakin' hate this crap!" It was a lot of difficult work, not so much so I didn't understand any of it, but there was no joy in it for me. I hated looking forward to spending the rest of my career behind a computer. That's when I discovered Hospitality Management. Wahoo! Finally, a major that centered around food that wasn't just being a chef? Perfect.

Yikes, that went from "Why I'm starting a food blog," to "Here's the story of my arduous internal struggle to discover who I am and what I want to do with my life." Sorry about that.

OK, here it is. Flat out. I like to cook, I don't get around to it as much as I want to or used to. Therefore, I'm starting this food blog to get me motivated to get back in the kitchen and start cooking. I hope to discover some great new ideas, concepts, techniques, flavors, and ingredients along this wild journey called life -OK it's not life it's a food blog, but that sounded way cooler and much more profound.

Alright, well... that's probably gunna do it for this initial post. I should be posting my VERY FIRST RECIPE TEST in the near future. I made short rib chili last night and used my fiances camera to capture as much as I could (Which is code for "I forgot to take pictures for some steps, oops!) Bear with me, this is a new experience for me and it's gunna take me a while to get it right. Until then, enjoy this haphazard mess I call my food blog.

p.s. I like to think my grammar is passable, but there are two exceptions here:  one, my punctuation is crap, I know it, it's always been crap so get over it, and two, this is a blog, my blog, not a freaking school paper so suck! This is going to operate however I feel like. Grammar included.


-The Fumbling Gourmet

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