Thursday, January 24, 2013

Failure is bittersweet

...ha ha, get it? Cause the cake is chocolate...

Moving right along, I tested the cake this evening and it was a massive failure. Well, maybe not massive, but it still failed. The cake was not bad, slightly uneven but I think I have a solution for that. The biggest failure was the frosting; it was just to runny to stick in the gaps the uneven cake layers made, (and yes there were gaps; the cakes came out shorter than anticipated which pretty much preventing cutting any off to level them, there would have been no cake left!) I didn't even try to put the malted milk balls on the durn thing, considering the frosting was too runny to stick in the cracks I had a pretty sure feeling the malt balls would have dropped and slid right off into a messy, sticky pile.

This failure is bittersweet because I really think I have the solution. I'll be trying a new frosting tomorrow -I'm hoping- with another cake, which will hopefully be a lot less domed.

Well I'm sleepy, sleepy and have class tomorrow. Tata for now.

**Update** Almost forgot. I lost (*cough*prettysureacertainfianceshreddedaccidently*cough*) the edited recipe for the chili. Therefore, I'll have to spend a little time trying to remember what the -eff I did. It came out delicious for sure, but I'll have to wrack my brain and recall what changes I made to the original plan. So the chili post is benched until such a time as I can remember any friggin thing about it.


-The Fumbling Gourmet

(Now the "Fumbling" part makes sense, doesn't it?)

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