Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Upcoming Food Tests

Whoop! First update post. This is way too much fun.

Mmk, so the previously mentioned Chili post should, hopefully, be coming today sometime. Just have one class left today and no work; therefore, I'll have plenty of time this afternoon into the evening. I'll have to play around with the layout and format and all that fun stuff since I have a bazillion pictures to sort through and figure out the purttiest layout. Shouldn't take me too long, but considering it's my first one it may take a while and still look like a kindergartner did it. (Secret is: set the expectations low, that way when you BARELY exceed them everyone's still impressed; BAM!)

OK, here is where I tell you what recipes I'll be testing in the near future. All to get your mouth watering, taste-buds pulsing in anticipation, and minds drifting into sweet, supple daydreams. OK, fine it's also so I don't forget what I'm planning on doing. Happy? Jerk...


  • Homemade Pancake Mix (Bisquick® copycat)
  • Malted Milk Ball Chocolate Cake (For me Mam's birthday)

I hope to test the cake this evening, and if it doesn't suck I'll bring it home this weekend and surprise my Mom.

And now, I'm away to class.....damn.


-The Fumbling Gourmet

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